We are pleased to welcome two new GPs to the practice.

Dr Robert Bell who will be working Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Dr Louisa Frew who will be working Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and monthly Saturdays.

Added 22.01.2025


We wish to advise that unfortunately Dr Anna Davies will not be returning to  View Street Medical Practice as she moves on to new opportunities.

We thank her for her dedication whilst working at the practice.

We understand that some patients would like to consider the choices available for their ongoing care. Our reception staff would be happy to assist and discuss what options may best suit you moving forward for your health care, and arrange an appointment with one of our other practitioners.

Added 22.1.25

Christmas Closure 2024

The practice will be closed on the following public holidays over the festive period.

Wednesday 25th December, Thursday 26th December and Wednesday 1st January.

We wish all our patients and community a wonderful Christmas and New Year.


We wish to advise that unfortunately Dr Mummert will not be returning to practice at View Street Medical Practice at this stage, and has decided to focus on practicing in some specific areas of interest.

We understand that some patients would like to consider the choices available for their ongoing care. Our reception staff would be happy to assist and discuss what options may best suit you moving forward for your health care, and arrange an appointment with one of our other practitioners.

Updated 26.9.24


View Street Medical is now able to offer convenient early morning Telehealth consultations with one of our General Practitioner’s – Dr Rachel Forth.

This service will be available:     Monday 6.00am-8.00am

                                                       Tuesday 6.00am-7.15am

                                                       Wednesday-Friday  6.00am – 8.00am

To be eligible to claim a rebate, it is a Medicare requirement for the patient to have had a face to face/in person consult with a GP at the practice in the last 12 months.

These appointments will be privately billed. In the event that the patient needs a follow-up in person review, this may be arranged at the time of the Telehealth appointment.

To make a booking please go to our webpage to “book online” for Dr Rachel Forth or alternatively call the practice and one or our reception team will be able to assist you with making a booking.

Updated 13.8.24


We wish to advise that unfortunately Dr Stead will not be returning to practice at View Street Medical Practice at this stage. She has decided to focus on practicing in some specific areas of interest, including reproductive health and forensic medicine, and completing study in the area of public health.

We understand that some patients would like to consider the choices available for their ongoing care. Our reception staff would be happy to assist and discuss what options may best suit you moving forward for your health care, and arrange an appointment with one of our other practitioners.

Updated 24.7.24


We are pleased to welcome two new GPs to the practice.
Dr Shyamini Naidu who will be working Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdays (alt), Fridays and monthly Saturdays

Dr Ivana Ng-D’Acunto who will be working Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and monthly Saturdays.
If you would like to know more about the new doctors joining the practice please head to the practice teams page.

Added 22.07.24


With operational costs continuing to rise our fees have required review.

From the 1st July 2024 new fees will apply for a long consultation (30 minutes duration)

Item 36 – New fee $168 for weekday appointments (MBS Rebate $80.10)

Item 36 – New fee $178 for Saturday appointments (MBS rebate $80.10)

Updated 1.6.24


Influenza (also called flu) is a very contagious infection of the airways. It affects people of all ages but is especially serious for young babies and children, pregnant women and people with underlying medical conditions.  It can require hospitalisation and can cause death.

Vaccination is a safe and effective way to protect you from serious disease caused by influenza. Influenza vaccines are given each year to protect against the most common strains of the virus and are recommended for all people over 6 months of age.

The practice will be holding flu vaccination clinics over the coming weeks to optimize protection for patients over the 2024 winter flu season.

Please call 9227 0170 to book in now.

Added 18.04.2024

MyMedicare at View Street Medical Practice

MyMedicare allows you to nominate a general practice and GP as your regular healthcare provider, and establish your regular care team which is beneficial in improving health outcomes

For more information go to:

You can register by logging on to the myGov site

Navigate to MyMedicare and select View Street Medical Practice as your preferred practice.

Alternatively, you can register in person with reception at your next visit to the practice.

Added 3/4/24

New Online Services

View Street Medical is introducing online services to provide patients with online booking, online repeated script and referral requests, a new telehealth video conferencing system and linked online payments. Automed is the platform used to perform these services with our practice system.

In February we started using the integrated SMS function to send appointment reminder messages and for patients to provide consent for the Medicare assignment of benefit, for when the appointment is bulk billed.

We have now also implementing the online appointment booking and repeated scripts and specialist referral requests on our website and the AMS Connect app.


Patients are invited to download the AMS Connect app, via the Apple and Google stores, selecting View Street Medical as your clinic. You will be asked to enter your details to confirm you are a patient at the practice and to verify your access into the App. Within the AMS Connect you will be able to make and manage your appointments, request repeated scripts and specialist referrals and link to our new telehealth platform.

The practice will initiate online payments for the online requests, telehealth and overdue accounts. These payments are processed securely via Tyro (currently used for credit card and debit card payments).

We appreciate your patience as we work to implement these service improvements. If you have any queries please discuss with our reception team or practice manager.

Added 13.03.2024

Welcome our new doctors

We are pleased to announce we are welcoming three new GPs to the practice.
Dr Zaneta Liem who will be working Tuesday and Wednesdays; Dr Anna Davies who will be working Wednesday and Fridays and monthly Saturdays; Dr Jo Wong who will be working half days Tuesday and Fridays.
If you would like to know more about the new doctors joining the practice please head to the practice teams page.

Added 16.02.2024

WA Sexual Health week

Monday 12 February to Sunday 18 February 2024

The theme of SHW this year is ‘Absolutely Everybody’, aiming to celebrate the right to sexual health for all people. WAAC have developed this theme asking us to think creatively about how we can promote positive and respectful approaches to sexuality and sexual relationships while also creating supportive, inclusive, and safe spaces for everyone to achieve positive and enjoyable sexual health.

If you would like more information around Sexual Health week and how to maintain your sexual health visit

February 14th is also National Condom Day. Condoms are one of the easiest ways to maintain your sexual health and that of your partner, and reduce the risk of sexually transmissible diseases. Free condoms are available at the practice.

Christmas Closure 2024

The practice will be closed on the following public holidays over the festive period.

Monday 25th, Tuesday 26th December and Monday 1st January.

We wish all our patients and community a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

1 December was International Aids Day

WAAC (former WA AIDs council) hosted a breakfast to mark the event and we have shared some photos from the day

It was noted that much has been achieved to the extent that HIV is no longer considered a public health threat. New treatments, including long-acting injectable medications are now available. Over half of people living with HIV are aged over 50 years of age.  The HIV Taskforce has also released its report, with the next goal being eliminating HIV transmission by 2030. Future interventions will require a whole of society response and the Theme for the World Aids Day event is “Let Communities Lead”.



Added 1.12.23

Updated Mask Wearing Policy

The Department of Health advises WA is experiencing an increase in COVID-19. As of the 20th November the public are encouraged to wear a face mask if you attend a hospital or healthcare facility. View Street Medical will also be encouraging all patients to wear a face mask while attending the practice from this date.

Face masks are a simple and effective way to help limit the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses, as they can stop viruses spreading in the air when you talk, cough, sneeze and laugh. By wearing a face mask, you can help protect yourself and those around you.

For more information visit;

Added 20.11.23

Dr Matilda Oke held her final session before going on her maternity leave last week. The practice team wish her all the best and look forward to her returning to the practice.

Added 07.11.23

Fee Changes from 1 November 2023

Due to increasing operational costs View Street Medical has needed to reflect on our current pricing structure to ensure we continue to be a sustainable business. Where possible we try not to increase fees more than necessary. The practice will be implementing some new fees affecting our standard consultation costs from the 1st November;

Item 23 – $93 (MBS Rebate $41.20) 

Item 36 – $158 (Unchanged from current rate – MBS Rebate $79.70)  

Surcharges will apply for Saturday appointments; 

For appointments before 1pm a $10 surcharge will apply 

Item 23 – $103 (MBS Rebate $41.20) 

Item 36 – $168 (MBS Rebate $79.70) 

For appointments after 1pm a $20 surcharge will apply  

Item 5020 – $113 (MBS Rebate $53.65) 

Item 5040 – $178 (MBS Rebate $92.00) 


Added 13.10.23

Dr Katharine Mummert has temporarily finished consulting to begin her maternity leave. We wish her and her family all the best as they await their new arrival and look forward to her return.

Added 13.10.23

Dr Katherine Stead has temporarily finished consulting to begin her maternity leave. We wish her and her family all the best as they await their new arrival and look forward to her return.

Added 19.09.23

Funded medically necessary transport for aged pensioners

The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care has funded Wilson Medic One to provide medically necessary planned community transport at no cost to eligible patients. Services include:

  • Hospital to home
  • Home to hospital
  • Home to a medical facility
  • Transport between medical and aged care facilities

Eligible community patients who are in receipt of an aged pension receive a free transport service, with 100 per cent of the cost met by the Australian Government. Eligible community patients who are not in receipt of an age pension are required to pay 50 per cent of the cost of transport, with the remaining 50 per cent met by the Australian Government.

A range of vehicles to accommodate differing patient transport needs are available, including cars, wheelchair accessible vehicles and stretcher vehicles.

Staff all hold nationally recognised qualifications from qualified patient transport officers to AHPRA registered paramedics.

Bookings for patient transport can be pre-booked or booked on the day by calling 1300 284 940.

For more information visit Wilson Medic One or the HealthyWA Community patient transport services webpage to view other service providers.

Added 28.08.23

Dr Fergus McCabe Joins View Street Medical

We are delighted to welcome Dr Fergus McCabe to View Street Medical. Fergus has a passion for general practice and has worked as an S100 GP specialising in HIV & Sexual Health for over 20 years. He is also currently Clinical Director of the WAAC’s M Clinic.

Dr McCabe will be working at the practice Monday to Friday and alternate Saturdays.

Please contact the practice on 9227 0170 and speak to one of our reception staff to organise an appointment.

Added 30.06.2023

Bulk Billing Information

Have you ever been bulk billed by your GP and wondered how it works? We have given a great deal of consideration to who is eligible to considered to be bulk billed.

A visit to the GP attracts a service fee. As of May 2023, the standard consultation at View Street Medical is $88.00 and the rebate paid by the Medicare health insurance scheme is $39.75. You only need to pay a gap of $48.25.

If you are bulk billed, the GP has decided to accept only the Medicare insurance rebate for the service, which means they get paid less (around a 55% discount of the private fee for a standard consult). A component of this payment is also paid to the practice for costs incurred in running the business such as reception and nursing staff, rent and other outgoings. In today’s environment, it’s not possible to bulk bill the majority of patients as this will be financially unsustainable both for the doctor and to run the practice.

The new incentives announced in the 2023 Commonwealth Government Budget, whilst helpful, does not substantially alter this situation for most patients.

If our patients need to access quality health care but can’t afford it, we will consider each individual’s circumstances. This may mean a reduced gap fee or in some circumstances, a no-gap fee bulk bill. Some patients may be bulk billed for a defined period. Children 5 years and under are bulk billed.

View Street Medical is a private billing medical practice. If your GP hasn’t bulk billed you, full payment of the consultation fee generally needs to be paid on that day. The gap between your Medicare rebate and the consultation charge is the out of pocket amount. The rebate is usually processed at the time of payment and should be in your bank account within a few days.

What is bulk billing?

In 1984, the Australian government introduced Medicare; a government-operated and compulsory health insurance scheme. A levy on eligible Australians tax returns (known as the Medicare levy) funds Medicare. Medicare is a government insurance scheme to help patients access private GPs, it does not cover the full cost of seeing a GP.

Added 11.05.2023


We are currently not accepting any new general patients to the practice, however we are accepting new patients within the following exceptions:

  • children/babies of our existing patients
  • Dr Lucy Fitton will accept prior patients from Gwelup Medical Practice

If you fit the above criteria or have any further queries regarding new patient bookings please call and speak with one of our reception team.

Thank you for your patience

Updated 10/05/2023

Free flu vaccines in May

In May, everyone in Western Australia can get a free flu vaccine to protect themselves over the peak influenza period. View Street Medical will be offering the free vaccines to current patients of the practice.

Influenza (also called flu) is a very contagious infection of the airways. It affects people of all ages but is especially serious for young babies and children, pregnant women and people with underlying medical conditions.  It can require hospitalisation and can cause death.

Vaccination is a safe and effective way to protect you from serious disease caused by influenza. Influenza vaccines are given each year to protect against the most common strains of the virus and are recommended for all people over 6 months of age.

The practice will be holding flu vaccination clinics over the coming weeks to optimize protection for patients over the 2023 winter flu season.


Updated 4.05.2023


Masks are no longer mandatory in healthcare settings, including hospitals. View Street Medical is following guidance from the WA Department of Health, and reducing the requirement for patients to wear masks in the practice. However, staff and patients may continue to wear masks if they wish to do so. We still strongly encourage mask wearing in the practice to protect vulnerable patients and staff.

Masks are still required for transmission-based precautions where patients identify or display respiratory symptoms.

The practice continues to follow our protocol for respiratory appointments and will offer patients with respiratory symptoms a tele-health appointment in the first instance.

If you are a patient with respiratory symptoms attending the practice for a confirmed face to face appointment, you will be asked to complete a RAT test on the same day and to wait in your car until the doctor is ready to see you. You can call the reception team to advise us of your arrival for the appointment.

Any queries regarding appointments can be directed to our reception staff who will be happy to assist.

Added 30.03.2023


Dr Andrew Rushton will be reducing his sessions with the practice from the 17th April to pursue his general practice career in a new area of interest. He is dedicated to retaining a connection with patients at View Street, although his overall capacity will be reduced. His new hours from 17th April will be limited to Saturday sessions only.

Added 16.03.2023


In February View Street received a renewal of the national award of accreditation, demonstrating our commitment to quality and safety within the practice. The practice undertook an allocated assessment from Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL), the leading not-for-profit provider of general practice accreditation services within Australia.

The AGPAL accreditation program supports general practices across the primary healthcare sector to provide a range of minimum expectations for patients surrounding safety and care. The accreditation process involves an independent on-site assessment of the practice’s environment and their processes.

Our practice team continually works to implement the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Standards for general practices. The RACGP Standards provide a recognised national benchmark for general practices and services, and a template for quality care and risk management.

Achieving accreditation covers:

  • The safe and lawful use of practice equipment
  • Accessibility and availability of medical care including after-hours and emergency care
  • Staff training
  • Information technology and information security
  • The security and availability of your records and information.

Thank you to all our patients who took the time to complete the patient survey in October 2022. Your feedback provides a lot of insight into how the practice is successfully delivering services to our patients.

Added 16.03.2023


From 1st April 2023 a surcharge fee will apply to all card payments.

The surcharge is to cover fees incurred by the practice for these payment types.

A notice of applicable surcharges will be displayed at a closer time.

We are no longer able to accept direct deposit into the practice bank account.

Payments will only be accepted by card payment or cash.

Thank you for your understanding.


We are currently not accepting any new general patients to the practice, however we are accepting new patients within the following exceptions;

  • children of our existing patients
  • residents of North Perth (6006 postcode)
  • for exclusive attendance to receive monkeypox vaccines

If you fit the above criteria or have any further queries regarding new patient bookings please call and speak with one of our reception team.

Thank you for your patience


Are you eligible for a Covid-19 vaccination booster?

View Street Medical will be holding Covid-19 vaccine clinics on upcoming Thursday mornings, initially this will be for people wishing to receive their 5th Covid-19 vaccine booster.

Covid-19 vaccination helps protect you and your family by creating an antibody response without the experience of COVID-19 infection which can cause potentially severe illness or ongoing symptoms.

The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisations (ATAGI);

  • Recommends a 2023 COVID-19 vaccine booster dose for adults in the following groups:
    • All adults aged 65 years and over
    • Adults aged 18-64 years who have a medical condition that increases their risk of severe COVID-19, or disability with significant or complex health needs.

Those in the following groups should consider a 2023 booster dose:

    • All Adults aged 18-64 years without risk factors for severe COVID-19
    • Children and adolescents aged 5-17 years who have medical comorbidities that increase their risk of severe COVID-19, or disability with significant or complex health needs
  • To be eligible for a booster it must be 6 months since your last Covid vaccination or 6 months post Covid infection.


At View Street medical we are continuing to wear masks. To protect yourself and those around you, we do ask that when you are visiting the practice or pathology centre please wear a mask at all times.

Please do not attend the practice if you have any respiratory symptoms. Any patient with respiratory symptoms must book a telehealth consultation prior to attending the practice. If an in-person follow-up appointment is required the doctor will arrange this for you.


From the 1st November View Street Medical will implement fees for missed appointment and late cancellations. The practice has been experiencing an increased number unattended appointments or have been unable to utilise appointments due to short notice of cancellations. When someone does not attend an appointment it reduces the capacity of the practice and disadvantages other patients who are really in need of seeing a doctor. The practice makes efforts to ensure patients are reminded of their appointments ahead of the day and provides the opportunity for patients to notify us if they are not attending by replying to the reminder SMS. Please see our fees page for the fee amounts.


View Street Medical provides general medical care to trans and non binary people. Unfortunately at the moment we are not able to take on new patients for gender affirming treatment. However when able, our doctors do provide gender affirming care and operate under the informed consent model.

View Street Medical are very happy to see and support trans youth for general medical care but we are not able to initiate hormone treatment in people under 18 years of age.


Have you had your 4th Covid vaccination booster?

Vaccination clinics are being held through the month of October, on Saturday afternoons, please call to book an appointment.

Covid-19 vaccination helps protect you and your family by creating an antibody response without the experience of COVID-19 infection which can cause potentially severe illness or ongoing symptoms.

The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisations continue to recommend that people in eligible at-risk population groups, including those who are severely immunocompromised or who have underlying medical conditions, receive their relevant booster doses.

View Street Medical would like to reach out to all our patients including those from culturally diverse communities, we want to ensure your questions are answered if you have not received your booster and invite you to bring your vaccines up to date.

To be eligible for a booster it must be 3 months since your last Covid vaccination or 3 months post Covid infection.

If you are unsure if you are eligible for a booster vaccination, please contact the practice on 9227 0170 and one of our reception staff will be able to assist you.

Please click on the below link for further information:


View Street Medical provides gender affirming care to trans and non binary people. We operate under the informed consent model.

Unfortunately at the moment we are not able to take on new patients for initiation of treatment. Dr Drew Rushton and Dr Samantha Maisey are accepting new patients if they are already on established treatment.

View Street Medical are very happy to see and support trans youth for general medical care but we are not able to initiate hormone treatment in people under 18 years of age.


View Street Medical has not increased the majority of practice fees since 2020. This was in recognition of the challenges many people faced during the peak period of the pandemic.  However, with recent increased costs there is a need to apply new practice fees from 1 September 2022.

As an example, commonly charged items at the practice, with the new fee rates and MBS rebates, is shown below:

Item 23 – Currently $83 increased to $88 (MBS Rebate $39.75)

Item 36 – Currently $148 increased to $158 (MBS Rebate $76.95)


Thank you for your understanding.


Please click on the below link for information on Monkey Pox symptoms:

If you have any symptoms of concern, please call the practice to organise a Telehealth appointment with one of our Doctors.  The Doctor will arrange examination and testing if appropriate.


The WA Department of Health has announced the extension of the “Free Jab June” program and will continue throughout the month of July, providing free influenza vaccinations for all Western Australians not otherwise eligible for government-funded vaccines.

All persons aged 6 months and above are encouraged to get vaccinated for influenza each year to optimise protection over the peak period for influenza infection in WA which is typically from July to October..

Please contact us on 9227 0170 and speak to one of our reception staff to make a booking.

Free Jab June

From 1 to 30 June, the WA Department of Health is providing free influenza vaccinations for all Western Australians not otherwise eligible for government-funded vaccines.

Vaccination against influenza is important in 2022 with the Australian community potentially more vulnerable to the virus. With the easing of international and domestic public health measures arising from the global pandemic, a resurgence of influenza is expected this year.

Seasonal influenza is a common, highly-contagious, potentially serious, viral respiratory illness. Annual vaccination is the most effective means to prevent influenza.

All persons aged 6 months and above are encouraged to get vaccinated for influenza each year to optimise protection over the peak period for influenza infection in WA which is typically from July to October..

Please contact us on 9227 0170 and speak to one of our reception staff to make a booking.


There is an increasing number of Omicron COVID 19 cases in the community, with a steep escalation expected over the next few weeks. In order to keep patients and staff as safe as possible, there is a need to change the way appointments will operate at the clinic.

From 14 February 2022, Telehealth will be the default appoint type.

Of course, if anyone needs to be physically present at an appointment, based on clinical need, this will be arranged.  Both patients and clinic staff will need to have appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as well fitted surgical masks, whilst inside the clinic.  Please do not wear cloth masks as these do not offer adequate protection for you against the Omicron variant.  Surgical masks can be purchased at the practice for a nominal fee, if you do not already have one.

We will continue to ensure the community is best protected by continuing to offer vaccinations at the practice.

It is vital that anyone with any symptoms such as a fever, cough, shortness of breath, a sore throat and/or runny nose, tell staff when booking the appointment so that appropriate arrangements can be made. There is also the option for patients to attend a government funded (bulk-billed) respiratory clinic.

Finally, please have patience and be kind to our staff as we all navigate this together.


We would like to welcome Dr Lucy Fitton to View Street Medical Practice.

Lucy believes in providing inclusive and non-judgemental care to all of her patients and takes a holistic approach to mental and physical health. She practices in accordance with HAES (Health at Every Size) principles.

Lucy’s interests include:

Preventative Health, Womens Health, Paediatrics, Travel Medicine, Mental Health, Minor procedures, Iron infusion, Implanon insertion/removal

Lucy will be available for appointments on Monday & Thursdays, please call our rooms and speak to one of our reception staff to arrange an appointment.



If you have flu-like symptoms, including a fever, cough, headache, sore throat or shortness of breath, loss of smell or taste it is important you seek medical care early as these may be COVID-19 symptoms. Please contact us via phone prior to making a booking or visiting the medical centre.

Please advise at the time of booking if you have been in an area identified as a COVID-19 hotspot in the last 2 weeks or you have been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.

It is a requirement that all patients attending for a face to face appointment wear a mask.

Your safety and that of our community is our concern.

We are conducting both face to face consultations with patients screened for Covid-19 risk, as well as offering the convenience of telehealth consultations for all patients.

Please contact reception today on: 9227 0170


We would like to welcome Dr Oke back to View Street Medical Practice.

Dr Oke will be available for appointments from 18th January 2022, please contact the practice on 9227 0170 and speak to one of our reception staff to book an appointment.


We bid farewell to Dr Indrani Saharay who ceased working at View Street Medical  as of 17th December.

We thank Dr Indrani for her contribution to the practice over many years, and wish her all the best in her next endeavours.



Dr Sarah Whyte will be commencing at View Street Medical in early January. Dr Whyte graduated in medicine in 2015.

Sarah is a specialist in general practice, having attained Fellowship with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners in 2021.

Sarah is passionate about improving people’s experience of healthcare and in particular enjoys working with youth, adolescents and young adults.

Please contact the practice on 9227 0170 and speak to one of our reception staff to organise an appointment.


Sadly we bid farewell to Dr Hilaire Dufour who has left View Street Medical to pursue an area of special interest.

We understand that some patients would like to consider the choices available for their ongoing care. Our reception staff would be happy to assist and discuss what options may best suit you moving forward for our health care, and arrange an appointment with an one of our other practitioners.




If you are aged between 16 and 59 please you are now eligible for a Pfizer vaccination.

We are happy to help provide COVID-19 immunisation for our local and wider community, and are accepting new patients to our practice to have your Covid vaccination.

Please do not come to your vaccination appointment

  • If you are feeling unwell with fever, cough, runny nose or other symptoms that could be from COVID-19
  • If you are waiting for COVID-19 test results, or have tested positive for COVID-19
  • If you are a close contact of someone with COVID-19, or
  • If you are in quarantine.

If you cannot make it to your vaccination appointment, please contact us to arrange an alternative appointment.



We would like to welcome Dr Ashleigh Clark to our practice.

Ashleigh grew up in Perth and studied a Bachelor of Science at UWA before moving east to study medicine at the University of Notre Dame, Sydney.

Since completing her studies in 2015, she has worked in various hospitals in Sydney before returning to WA where she has undergone her training in Kalgoorlie and metropolitan general practices.

During this time, she also completed the Sydney Child Health Program (University of Sydney).

Ashleigh has a special interest in preventative health and geriatric medicine, however, she enjoys all aspects of general practice.

She has experience in: minor skin lesion excision, implanon insertion/removal, cervical screening, IUD removal, iron infusion and knee joint injections

When she is not working, Ashleigh enjoys swimming, playing the ukulele and trying out the local North Perth restaurants!


Dr Katherine Stead has temporarily left View Street Medical, but will be returning in the New Year.



Our car park clinic has proven to be very popular and once again this year we are holding these clinics on a Saturday morning.

Please call the rooms on 9227 0170 and speak to one of our reception staff to make a booking.



We are currently working our way through our waiting list and taking appointment bookings for our COVID vaccination clinics.

As of this week the health minister has advised that all patients over 50 years of age will be eligible to receive a COVID vaccination, we are currently prioritising patients over 70 years of age or with an underlying medical condition.

Please contact our rooms to place your name on our waiting list.

View Street Medical Practice is pleased to advise that we are an approved vaccination provider for COVID-19 vaccines. We are happy to help provide COVID-19 immunisation for our local and wider community.

COVID-19 vaccines are being rolled out in phases, with those most vulnerable and at risk to receive the vaccine in the next phase 1b.


To find out when you are eligible to receive the vaccine, visit and complete the Vaccine Eligibility Checker. This will tell you which phase of the rollout you are in.

In the initial weeks of the roll-out, our supply of vaccines is very limited, in order for us to get all patients vaccinated it may take some weeks before an appointment will become available.

In the meantime there are things you can do ahead of your COVID-19 vaccination to get ready and stay safe.

  • Make sure your Medicare details are correct.
  • Continue to practice good hygiene, physical distancing and adhere to local restrictions.
  • Understand how to isolate if you need to.
  • Check your current eligibility.

For more information, visit:



When it is your turn to get vaccinated, you can call on 9227 0170 to discuss when appointments will be available.

Please do not come to your vaccination appointment

  • If you are feeling unwell with fever, cough, runny nose or other symptoms that could be from COVID-19
  • If you are waiting for COVID-19 test results, or have tested positive for COVID-19
  • If you are a close contact of someone with COVID-19, or
  • If you are in quarantine.

If you have had another vaccine, for example the influenza vaccination, in the last 14 days before your COVID-19 vaccine appointment, please let us know as we may need to reschedule your appointment.

If you cannot make it to your vaccination appointment, please contact us to arrange a new appointment.

To learn more about COVID-19 vaccines, visit


IUD Clinic

We are delighted to advise the re-commencement of our Intrauterine Device (IUD) Clinic at View Street Medical. The Clinic will operate every fortnight, on Tuesday morning, with Dr Hilaire Dufour.

Dr Dufour inserts both Mirena IUDs and Copper IUDs. Mirena can be used for contraception and management of heavy menstrual bleeding.

If you would like to know more information or to book in with Dr Dufour, please call the practice on 08 9227 0170.


“View Street Medical has been selected as a General Practice site for the administration of the COVID vaccination. At this stage we know that this will be the Astra Zeneca COVID Vaccine.  We are awaiting further information from the Health department as to when these vaccinations will arrive, and the amount that will be allocated to the practice. When this detail is available we will provide more advice on when patients are eligible for the vaccine and how to book these appointments. Please continue to watch the news section of our website for updates”


New Doctors at View Street Medical

View Street Medical is delighted to advise that 5 new Doctors have joined the practice team. There are now 10 Doctors working a combination of full and part time. Each of the Doctors have special areas of interest in their clinical practice. Please have a look at the profile for each doctor in the “Practice Team” section of the website. This additional capacity means that appointments are more readily available, with several bookings held for patients to be able to book on the day.

Retirement from General Practice for Dr Ric Chaney

Dr Ric Chaney has retired from general practice.  Thank you to Ric for his care of our patients over the last three years and sharing his expertise with his colleagues.  He continues to work as a sessional consultant in the Sexual Health Service at Royal Perth Hospital and at Hepatitis WA.

 Our practice staff will be pleased to advise on choices available for your ongoing clinical care.

Retirement of Dr Helen Anstey

Dr Helen Anstey has retired from View Street Medical as of December 2020. As the founding practice principal Dr Anstey provided health care to patients in North Perth for over 25 years. We wish Dr Anstey a long and happy retirement.

We understand that many of Dr Anstey’s patients have seen her for many years and would like to consider the choices available for their ongoing clinical care. Our practice staff would be pleased to discuss with you what options may best suit you moving forward.

Practice changes for Dr Matilda Oke

Dr Matilda will be away from View Street Medical for 2021 to pursue further studies. Matilda will be returning to the practice again in 2022.

We wish her all the best for the next year and along with her patients look forward to her return.

Changes to telephone consultation practice fee’s

As of the 1st November private fees may apply for phone consultations. The new fee will be $65, for a standard length phone consultation, with a Medicare rebate of $38.75. The out of pocket cost to patients will $26.25. The Medicare rebate for phone consultations is only available to patients who have seen a doctor at the practice within the last 12 months, however phone consultations are also available for $65 without a rebate for those patients who do not meet this Medicare criterion.

The practice will not be implementing annual fee increases for general consultations this year, due to the uncertain circumstances many people have experienced during the pandemic.

R U Ok? Day  10th September 2020








This week we recognised the importance of checking how everyone is handling the challenges of living, particularly in these very unusual circumstances around us.

There was an important message for us all whilst we enjoyed some special cupcakes and asked…“R U Ok?”


Women’s Health Week is being celebrated between 7th to the 11th September. Visit to get some excellent information on Women’s health issues. Each day has a different focus and information to assist you in managing your health.

There are also many resources available on women’s health issues, through all stages of life at

Celebrating World Hepatitis Day



On the 28th July, Hepatitis WA dropped into the practice to celebrate and promote World Hepatitis Day and their awareness campaign of ‘Strong Liver Strong You’ with the  practice.

Visit Hep WA’s website for more information on Hepatitis; who is at risk, what are the symptoms and how treatment can be offered.



Scheduled Appointments & COVID-19                                                                                                                  

Whilst we have been very fortunate in WA and Perth with low numbers of people affected by COVID-19 virus, we should still demonstrate personal responsibility and maintain our attention to hygiene, infection control and have awareness for the social distancing rules.

View Street Medical would like to remind patient that we are still being vigilant in how we interact with any symptoms associated with respiratory or flu-like illnesses. This includes coughs, colds, shortness of breath, sore throat or any signs fever or recent fever.

To ensure we are providing the best services to patients within our capability, we have established sessions dedicated to addressing the above symptoms.



If you are displaying any respiratory symptoms or are currently in self-isolation (due to recent travel or know close contact of a positive case) please advise the reception staff when requesting an appointment. You will be offered an telephone appointment in the first instance.

On arrival to the practice, please call reception to advise you have arrived and remain waiting in your car. Do not come into the wait room.

The reception team will advise when the doctor is ready to see you, you will be provided a mask and some hand sanitiser before entering the practice.

Your appointment will be held at 14 Views St. (just around the corner from the main practice, at the Clinipath rooms)


COVID-19 Testing

If you are referred for a COVID-19 test, you will be advised to self-isolate until your results have returned. The practice will advise you of both positive and negative results once received.

If you have received a negative COVID-19 test result, it is still advisable to remain home until your symptoms have resolved.


Minister Launches #SeeYourGP Campaign at View Street Medical


On Friday the 1st May the WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) launched their new campaign #SeeYourGP at View Street Medical.   The WA Minister for Health The Hon Roger Cook and the Chair of WAPHA, Dr Richard Choong, along with invited guests, spoke to the media at the front of the practice, about the #SeeYourGP campaign which is focused on reminding patients to attend medical appointments in person, when appropriate, for their ongoing healthcare. In light of the COVID-19 restrictions, there has been concern that people may be neglecting their medical care. View Street Medical has been facilitating both Telehealth and in-person appointments throughout these extraordinary times, during the COVID 19 pandemic. The practice has made many adjustments in our operations and physical features of the practice to ensure we can operate with the highest standards of safety as we care for our patients.